Battle S.W.A.T vs Mercenary
Click to play
- Press WASD or arrow keys to move the character
- Use the left mouse button to shoot
- R to reload
- C to crouch
- Ctrl to prone
- Tab to open game menu
Battle S.W.A.T vs Mercenary
Click to play
This game is not available on mobile.
Play Battle S.W.A.T vs Mercenary Online Free
- Press WASD or arrow keys to move the character
- Use the left mouse button to shoot
- R to reload
- C to crouch
- Ctrl to prone
- Tab to open game menu
Battle SWAT vs Mercenary is an epic first person shooter game in which you must choose to fight as the elite SWAT team or the evil mercenaries. The game uses basic FPS controls - use the WASD keys to move and use the left click mouse button to shoot and the right click button to aim down the sites. You must work hard and fight for the pride and honor of your chosen team.