Fed up Dirt
Click to play
- A or left arrow key = move left
- D or right arrow key = move right
- W or up arrow key = jump
- Hold S or down arrow key = to turn into a dirt block
- R =restart
- (press arrow keys icons on mobile)
Fed up Dirt
Click to play
This game is not available on mobile.
Play Fed up Dirt Online Free
- A or left arrow key = move left
- D or right arrow key = move right
- W or up arrow key = jump
- Hold S or down arrow key = to turn into a dirt block
- R =restart
- (press arrow keys icons on mobile)
Fed Up Dirt is a puzzle-platformer game where you control a dirt man, guiding them to reach the orb to progress through levels. Overcome obstacles and challenges to successfully complete each level and advance in the game!