Hush Rush Tom and Jerry
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In this game, you will have to use your mouse to remind Jerry and Nibbles that rushing from one place to the other might cause too much rumbling. They will be recklessly running all around the house otherwise. You should make sure, however, that they do not make too much noise. To do that, click and hold whenever you need them to walk quietly on their toes.
You might also need to take some extra care to ensure that the mice are always tiptoeing near any breakable object on the floor. If they don't do that, they will undoubtedly hit the object. Obviously, the clatter will not be well received by Tom.
To keep track of Tom's sleepiness, you can use the Noise Meter that will measure the noise. Each time you disturb him, the meter will fill up a little. When the meter is full, however, the cat will wake up, and you will lose the game.

Hush Rush Tom and Jerry

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Play Hush Rush Tom and Jerry Online Free
In this game, you will have to use your mouse to remind Jerry and Nibbles that rushing from one place to the other might cause too much rumbling. They will be recklessly running all around the house otherwise. You should make sure, however, that they do not make too much noise. To do that, click and hold whenever you need them to walk quietly on their toes.
You might also need to take some extra care to ensure that the mice are always tiptoeing near any breakable object on the floor. If they don't do that, they will undoubtedly hit the object. Obviously, the clatter will not be well received by Tom.
To keep track of Tom's sleepiness, you can use the Noise Meter that will measure the noise. Each time you disturb him, the meter will fill up a little. When the meter is full, however, the cat will wake up, and you will lose the game.
Jerry and Nibbles have to sneak around the house without waking Tom up in the Hush Rush game. It is tough to keep a baby mouse quiet! Especially when countless objects are lying around, waiting to be knocked over by somebody too careless to notice them in time.
When a cat is asleep, even the tiniest move can disturb his nap. Therefore, they have to walk very slow. Unfortunately, Nibbles can become very distracted and ruin everything in seconds. Jerry must protect him from tom!