Strike Force Heroes
Click to play
- AD or left/right arrow keys to move
- W, up arrow key or space to jump
- Hold S or down to crouch
- Q or SHIFT to change weapon
- Left mouse button to aim and shoot
- ESC to quit and pause
Strike Force Heroes
Click to play
This game is not available on mobile.
Play Strike Force Heroes Online Free
- AD or left/right arrow keys to move
- W, up arrow key or space to jump
- Hold S or down to crouch
- Q or SHIFT to change weapon
- Left mouse button to aim and shoot
- ESC to quit and pause
With its intense action, RPG elements, and a great variety of unlockables and game modes, Strike Force Heroes is an acclaimed game that makes you hooked from the beginning. Every single detail in this game –which spawned an equally acclaimed series of sequels- has been designed with extreme care, from its fabulous storyline to the engaging RPG elements that allow you to customize and improve your squad.