Strike Force Heroes 2
Click to play
- AD or left/right arrow key to move
- W or up arrow key or space to jump
- S or down arrow key to crouch
- Left mouse button to aim and shoot
- Q or SHIFT to change weapons
- ESC to pause or quit
Strike Force Heroes 2
Click to play
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Play Strike Force Heroes 2 Online Free
- AD or left/right arrow key to move
- W or up arrow key or space to jump
- S or down arrow key to crouch
- Left mouse button to aim and shoot
- Q or SHIFT to change weapons
- ESC to pause or quit
Strike Force Heroes 2 is the awesome sequel to the popular original title. This platform shooter game has excellent gameplay and a range of different modes to engage in. You can customize your own soldiers – choose their equipment, armour and weapons. There is also a campaign mode, challenges and the option to create a custom game.