Treasure of Cutlass Reef
Click to play
- A / D or Left / Right arrow keys = Rotate ship left or right
- W or Up arrow key = Move forward
- S or Down arrow key = Move backward
- F, CTRL, or Space bar = Fire cannons
Treasure of Cutlass Reef
Click to play
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Play Treasure of Cutlass Reef Online Free
- A / D or Left / Right arrow keys = Rotate ship left or right
- W or Up arrow key = Move forward
- S or Down arrow key = Move backward
- F, CTRL, or Space bar = Fire cannons
Treasure of Cutlass Reef is a game in which you play as the captain of a pirate ship. You go around the seas to do what pirates do best, collect treasure! You won't be the only ones trying to get treasure though, so you need to fight through the other pirates as well. This is advantageous for you because beating them not only decreases your rivals for treasure, you can also ransack their ships for loot.